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General Information Minecraft Ingame Name:zombieslayer3601 Age:13 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GTM -5 Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average):8 hours How long have you been in MineTown and the Prison:1 year Have you ever been banned before? Why?:no Other Information Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server:A minecraft prison server is a role play server which a player makes money and ranks up to try and be a free man/woman again How are your PvP (Player versus Player) Skills?:good Have you spoken much on Minetown Teamspeak?:yes Do you have Skype?:yes Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Administration or Prison Administration?:no Why is it essential for Guards to control their emotions? This is essential because if they don't they could go around killing others for no reason just because they are mad at them What makes you stand out above other users applying?I always try to keep everyone happy while still following the rules. What do you think you need to improve on? List your weaknesses here: man up and not feel bad for the people that were killed by me Prison staff contribute a lot of time and effort into working as a team. Why do you think that teamwork is essential for staff in an environment like MT Prison?:so that all guards and prisoners get experience of the game Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: because i know what do and what not to do Questionnaire 1) If a group of players were actively PVPing and you were the only guard online, what steps would you take? if 1 was attacking the other i would kill him if they both were attacking each other i would kill them both 2) You see a death messages appear in chat of players killing other players, what do you do? find the pvpers and end it 3) A player is running around intoxicated on drugs, what do you do? kill or jail them 4) How often should you patrol the PVP areas? as much as you can 5) When can you ask for a player to be searched so contrabands are removed?Contraband can be removed after a third jail or third time seeing contraband in the same life never go up to the player who has killed you after you have died and ask for contraband. 6) What do you think is the most important rule to know about staff having staff kits?They are for you and only you, and they are only to be worn when on-duty. 7) If you kill players and they drop items, can you keep or give away the items? you can keep or give back but throw away the contrabands <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object> Can staff be involved with bounties? What do you know about bounties?Staff can't go out of their way to kill for bounties just for money 9) What can you do if you have a player getting in your way when you are getting contrabands from other players? you may kill 10) What should you do if you see a player selling drugs (sugar and cactus green) in chat? mute them Additional information you would like to tell us?:don't drop the soap
over 11 years ago
General Information Minecraft Ingame Name:zombieslayer3601 Age:13 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT -5 Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average):8 hours a day How long have you been in MineTown and the Prison:1 year Have you ever been banned before? Why?:no Other Information Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: to gain your freedom How are your PvP (Player versus Player) Skills?:good if 1 on 1 Have you spoken much on Minetown Teamspeak?: not much Do you have Skype?:no but Facebook and kik Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Administration or Prison Administration?:yes Why is it essential for Guards to control their emotions?: so they don't kill innocent players What makes you stand out above other users applying? I am good at protecting my self and others What do you think you need to improve on? List your weaknesses here: nothing Prison staff contribute a lot of time and effort into working as a team. Why do you think that teamwork is essential for staff in an environment like MT Prison?: so officers can improve and rank up to gain freedom Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: because I will follow rules Questionnaire 1) If a group of players were actively PVPing and you were the only guard online, what steps would you take? that depends if they have armor or not but I would still try to solve the situation 2) You see a death messages appear in chat of players killing other players, what do you do? I would try to find that location and solve the problem 3) A player is running around intoxicated on drugs, what do you do? I would ask them to hand over if not jail time or will be killed 4) How often should you patrol the PVP areas? 5) When can you ask for a player to be searched so contrabands are removed? only if I see contrabands 6) What do you think is the most important rule to know about staff having staff kits? 7) If you kill players and they drop items, can you keep or give away the items? u can keep or give back <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object> Can staff be involved with bounties? What do you know about staff and bounties? staff cant be involved in bounties and staff can only kill prisoner if they commit a crime 9) What can you do if you have a player getting in your way when you are getting contrabands from other players? warn them and then mute them 10) What should you do if you see a player selling drugs (sugar and cactus green) in chat? warn them and then mute them Addional information you would like to tell us?:nothing
over 11 years ago
Minecraft Ingame Name: zombieslayer3601 Age: 13 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT -5 Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): 10 hours How long have you been in MineTown: 8 months Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Nope Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Prison administration?: No How are your PvP Skills?: good Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: You start at Block D then earn yourself to Freedom (You do that from bounties, mines, and tree farms) Have you spoken much on Minetown Mumble?: no Do you have Skype?:no but I have kik Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I think I will make a good Officer/Sergeant because I have been playing on MT prison server since the beta and I have learned basics & what and what not to do. Additional information you would like to tell us?:thanks for reading <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 11 years ago
Minecraft Ingame Name: zombieslayer3601 Age: 13 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America):GMT -5 Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average):8 hours a day How long have you been in MineTown: 1 year Have you ever been banned before? Why?: no Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Prison administration?: no How are your PvP Skills?:good Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: the aim is to gather supplies and gaining ranks Have you spoken much on Minetown Mumble? : no Do you have Skype?: no Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I think a good Officer needs to be able to fix situations with a miniunum amount of fuse. They need to be respectful to everyone whilst not allowing players to be rude. Overall an Officer needs to be abe to be mature about what they are doing. I think i would be able to fufil this tasks because of my rank in my local scout program Additional information you would like to tell us?: It would be a great honour to be selected as it has always been one of my dreams on minetown.
over 11 years ago
Minecraft Ingame Name: zombieslayer3601 Age: 13 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GTM-5 Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): 10 hours How long have you been in MineTown: 8 months <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Nope Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Prison administration?: No How are your PvP Skills?: Alright Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: You start at Block D then earn yourself to Freedom (You do that from bounties, mines, and tree farms) Have you spoken much on Minetown Mumble?: Not really Do you have Skype?: Yep! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I think I will make a good Officer/Sergeant because I have been playing on MT prison server since the beta and I have learned basics & what and what not to do. Additional information you would like to tell us?: Not at the moment, but oh yeah, don't drop the soap. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
over 11 years ago